- Tab. Shitosika contains sitopaladi churna which reduces pharyngeal & chest congestion by melting thickened mucous in airways.
- Swaskuthar ras has excellent kaphaghana property.
- Kantakari is well-known bronchodilator.
- Jesthamadhais excellent emollient, demulcent.
- Pushkarmool reduces pain & discomfortness in chest.
- Haridra acts as antiinflammatory heb,it prevents release of inflammatory mediators such as TNFs.
- Rasasindoor is tonic (Rasayana) for whole respiratory system
- Pimpaliis expectorant has anti histaminic & antispasmodic activities.
- Kutaki stimulates liver &reduces production of cough.
- Abrakis balya for broncules.
Hence, Shitosika is excellent bronchodilator & gives relief in bronchial asthama.
Asthama, Chronic bronchitis, Rhinitis, Sinusitis & COPD